Family & Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Sciences

What is Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)?

FCS stands for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension. FCS programming focus on building assets of individuals and families to address problems faced across the lifespan. Family and Consumer Sciences Extension emphasizes well-being with a focus on human development, parenting, resource management, nutrition, health and leadership development.

At the community level, FCS Extension prepares individuals for community and economic development and activity. Professionals in Family and Consumer Sciences Extension provide the tools to help individuals and families to develop resources for strengthening families and building community for an ever changing society.


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Owen County Homemaker Clubs

Owen County has a variety of Homemaker clubs that welcome anyone wanting to join.  If you are interested in joining a club or starting one, please contact Owen County Cooperative Extension Service for more details.  See details of each club.  Click on Homemaker logo for membership.

Homemaker Clubs 


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There are no professional profiles posted to the Owen County Extension Office site under this specialty. Please contact the Owen County Extension Office for more information.